ZFS Rules

  • Don’t be a cunt

Qualifying Rules

  • You must start the race on the same tyre compound you performed your fastest lap in qualifying. (e.g. if you’ve set your fastest time on mediums in qualfying, you cannot start on hards or softs, you must start on mediums)
  • If you’re on a outlap please make way for drivers who are actively qualifying (on a hotlap)
  • If you need to return to pits to repair damage/freshen up tyres, you must drive in and pit, not quit back to menu

Racing Rules

  • Regardless of what happens on track, never rage quit. It’s disrespectful to any back runners and other drivers. If you’ve fucked up then face your fuck up and crack on. (Apply common sense to this with at home issues that mean you need to quit a race)
  • If you have a collision with another driver that’s your fault then please wait for them to return to track and give the position back to them. (General rule of thumb, if you’re not sure if it was your fault, safe to assume it most likely was)
  • If you’ve come off track, please use caution returning to the track. Use your track map & radar to make a judgement whether it’s safe to return. If it’s not, please wait
  • If you’re angry about something that happened on track, please use the ⁠Race Incident process for a fair and impartial review. Don’t try and resolve with a screaming match
  • Manically reporting 100 incidents because you’ve received a penalty in a race just makes you a bit of cunt, and breaks our #1 ZFS rule. Don’t do it

Community Rules

  • Please refrain from letting what happens on track get nasty. We all take our racing seriously (although to differing degrees), and we all know there are times where it can get very frustrating. Go and cool off and step away if you’re frustrated. Don’t vent your emotions in our party chats & discord chats, we’ll just take the piss outta you.
  • Keep politics to a minimum, we’re all here to race, not to fix a fundamentally broken civilisation. If you’ve got a strong opinion you want to tell the world about then fuck off to twitter. We all have different backgrounds and come here to get away from it all so please leave it at the door
  • We’re not the woke brigade, but lets all agree to keep clear of the basics yeah? (racism, homophobia, sexism etc) Again, leave any strong views you have around this at the door (either pro/anti, don’t give a shit, just race)

Racing Etiquette

Not Hard & Fast Rules, but general advice we want everyone to consider when they race with us.

  • Don’t try and win your race in the 1st lap, nobody can win a race in the 1st lap/corner they can only lose it. Consider other drivers in the early stages of a race, last minute moves and grabbing every opportunity in tight crowds just creates chaos/crashing that ruin races for multiple drivers.
  • When going into a corner with another driver commit to your line and avoid any last minute moves, a single change of line on leading up to braking is fine, but constantly changing line, or changing line within the braking zone is not okay, it just kills people.
  • When under close racing, when a car is alongside (which isn’t just having your nose up on someone, but in general having your front doors parallel to the rear tyres of the opposing car) drivers should be giving each other ideally 1/2 a cars width, this gives all drivers room for corrective steering without collecting the person next to them. High level/elite drivers in motorsport can & do get much closer, we get it, but lets remember that we’re just amateur enthusiasts (by the fact we don’t get paid to race) so lets give each other enough room to enjoy close racing without killing each other.
  • Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. Technically you’re allowed to go 2 wide through the death chicane, doesn’t mean it’s a wise move. Read the race, who’s around you and what benefit you stand to gain/lose when making a move.
  • Divebombs are really foolish and more often than not result in crashes/anger/drama. Keep an aware of the ‘Vortex of Danger’ when approaching a corner (See below image), if you make last minute approaches into the this vortex you will kill people. There’s a thin line between seizing on mistakes, and divebombing, if it doesn’t feel clean then it most likely wasn’t. Focus your overtakes on exits if you are not alongside someone coming into braking zones.